Hello ,
It took until the end of February but I finally managed to snag a paying gig. Sure, it was just writing a short piece of lore for a CCG and it only paid a couple hundred bucks, but it was something instead of the nothing I've been making since getting laid off. If I can manage a gig like that every week, I wouldn't be hemorrhaging savings.

That is, however, unlikely. There's just not that much freelance fiction writing to be hand.  If they send more work my way, I'll absolutely take it... but I'm not holding my breath.

It did feel good to be writing prose fiction again - something I've put aside since transitioning to game writing and solo development in 2020. Maybe I'll start writing short fiction regularly, at least as a morning warm-up.

In other news:

* My next narrative analysis video is going to cover Interplay's first adventure game, Mindshadow.
* Godot 4.4 is out, so I'm going to start working on the mechanics for Under No Pretext, an action game about resisting an alien invasion from the rooftops.
* March's interactive fiction game is a twine mystery set in the world of my Galvanic Century novels. Familiarity with the books is not necessary to play.
* Finally getting around to watching the last season of Umbrella Academy.

Thanks for following my work,