The narrative analysis video of Space Quest I: The Sarien encounter is now live, and you can go watch it over on my retrogaming YouTube channel. People seem to like it, with a common comment being appreciation for covering a game they weren't able to play themselves. I'd like to cover Interplay's graphical adventure game Mindshadow next.

I've decided to move forward with (ideally) monthly interactive fiction releases, though I haven't settled on whether they'll be choice-based, parser, or both. I enjoy making parser-based games, but the market for them is very niche. We'll see how it works out together. I'll be releasing them primarily through this list, so look for a download link in March.

Let's see... what else...

In "gainful employment" news, I've got a short term freelance gig writing game lore for something that I can't talk about much due to a NDA. It's not steady work, but it's something. I'll let you know more when I can.

I'll be uploading more of my fiction to my web store, along with some full cast audio fiction. I'm not pushing or promoting it very hard until I have most of it up, but I'll mention it here when it's available.

That's all for this week; thanks for following my work.