Hope you're doing well. I'm still looking for work without much luck, but with the economy being what it is and the games industry in particular being a flaming tire fire there's not much surprise there.

Between sending my resume out into the uncaring void, I've had a busy week.

  1. I've been going through my folder of ideas and unfinished games looking for March's Interactive Fiction game. I should really think of a name for the project itself. I've got a nearly-complete Twine game spin-off from my Galvanic Century streampunk mystery series I haven't touched in half a decade; maybe I can go ahead and give it an ending.
  2. I've been putting off the coding for the Godot game I've been working on until version 4.4 of the engine is out; they're on release candidate 2 now so it shouldn't be too long. The game - currently titled "Under No Pretext" - positions the player as a guerilla resisting an alien incursion from the rooftops with an explosive drone; you target important alien infrastructure and try not to get shot down while crowdfunding improvements and upgrades.
  3. I've started migrating my youtube narrative analysis videos to Spectra - a federated PeerTube instance - for the sake of people who don't want to give advertising minutes to Alphabet.
  4. Speaking of, my next analytical playthrough will be of Interplay's graphic adventure Mindshadow - if I can find the time to start playing it, that is.

Hope your week has been a good one,