In which I forget the thing you’re not supposed to forget.
Category: Narrative Analysis
A narrative analysis of Sierra On-Line’s adventure game Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter, in which you play a space janitor.
Bite your lip, close your eyes, and think of Nightmare.
Narrative Analysis of Square’s iconic game Final Fantasy for the Nintendo Entertainment system, itself largely a reaction to and attempt to outdo Dragon Quest.
Narrative analysis of the Nintendo Entertainment System classic Dragon Warrior, first successful console role-playing game from Japan.
Analytical playthrough of Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. I’m covering the PC port available free through
An analytical playthrough of Ultima III: Exodus. A huge leap forward for the franchise, and a reaction to Richard Garriott’s disastrous experiences with Sierra On-Line
An analytical playthrough of Sierra On-Line’s graphic adventure game “King’s Quest,” the game that saved the company after a disastrous investment in the Atari 2600 just before the early 80s crash.
A narrative playthrough of the second Ultima game.
In which I narrate while playing and analyzing the Infocom game Deadline.