An accurate at the time of writing pre-history of the Marvel Comics universe, from the Firmament to Galactus’s re-birth.

1979 saw more than a few Space Invaders clones, but Cosmo is closer to Taito’s Galaxian, released the same year in Japan by the company TDS.
Narrative Analysis of Square’s iconic game Final Fantasy for the Nintendo Entertainment system, itself largely a reaction to and attempt to outdo Dragon Quest.
Narrative analysis of the Nintendo Entertainment System classic Dragon Warrior, first successful console role-playing game from Japan.

In which I sift through the arcade titles I’ve got on my Steam Deck and decide what’s worth keeping and what needs to go, in
Analytical playthrough of Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. I’m covering the PC port available free through

Continuing to sift through the “All Killer no Filler” list of arcade games on my steam deck, deciding what to keep, what to pass on.
An analytical playthrough of Ultima III: Exodus. A huge leap forward for the franchise, and a reaction to Richard Garriott’s disastrous experiences with Sierra On-Line

I evaluate ’88 games, 1000 Miglia, 1943 Kai, 19XX, 2 on 2, 2020 Super Baseball, 64th Street, Aero Fighters 2, Aero Fighters Special, and Age of Heroes 2 to see if they’re worth keeping on my steamdeck.
An analytical playthrough of Sierra On-Line’s graphic adventure game “King’s Quest,” the game that saved the company after a disastrous investment in the Atari 2600 just before the early 80s crash.