2023. Sounds fake, doesn’t it? When I was a kid, “2000” was the placeholder unimaginable far off future, and back then “future” meant flying cars and space travel.

Thoughts on the foundational CRPG Wizardry, a game I was fascinated with as a kid but never got around to playing

My prime comics-reading years were something like 1986 to 1995 or so – not that I stopped reading them in ’95, but I stopped collecting

I take a random album and use it as inspiration for Power Ballad, my tabletop RPG campaign. This week’s was Kid N Play’s “2 Hype.”

I take a random album and use it as inspiration for Power Ballad, my tabletop RPG campaign. This week’s was DEVO’s “Freedom of Choice.”

Power Ballad is a post apocalyptic Feng Shui tabletop RPG setting inspired by heavy metal album covers and wicked cool van art.

This is going to get a little autobiographical, so bear with me.

We just wrapped up the first ever Decon Recon Jam with 7 entrants and 2 submissions, and all I really have to say is that I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.
Hey guys, I whipped up a really simple generator in Godot to pick a game for the upcoming game jam. Here’s a devlog on the process.

The DeconRecon Jam is a game jam in which participants deconstruct an old game and rebuild it in new ways.